Python TANGO server ==================== This is the python Tango devices server by the ESRF team. This server provides a main device for the standard camera control, a camera specific device for the camera configuration and a set of "plugin" devices for extra operations or just to provide some specific API for clients. Thanks to the Lima framework, the control can be achieved through a common server and a set of software operations (Mask,Flatfield,Background,RoiCounter,PeakFinder...) on image as well. The configuration of the detector is done by the specific detector device. At ESRF we decided to develop the Tango devices only in python language which implies that all the detector C++ interfaces have been wrapped in python. Main device: LimaCCDs ---------------------- **LimaCCDs** is the generic device and it provides a unique interface to control any supported cameras. One can find below the commands, the attributes and the properties. To run a LimaCCDs server you will need at least to configure the **LimaCameraType** property. This property is used by the LimaCCDs server to create the proper camera device. Pleas refer a specific camera (e.g Basler) device chapter for further information. Property '''''''' ========================== =============== ====================== ===================================================== Property name Mandatory Default value Description ========================== =============== ====================== ===================================================== AccThresholdCallbackModule No "" Plugin file name which manages threshold, see acc_saturated\_\* attributes and the \*AccSaturated\* commands to activate and use this feature BufferMaxMemory No 70 The maximum among of memory in percent of the available RAM that Lima is using to allocate frame buffer. ConfigurationFilePath No ~/lima_.cfg The default configuration file path ConfigurationDefaultName No "default" Your default configuration name IntrumentName No "" The instrument name, e.g ESRF-ID02 (**\***) LimaCameraType Yes N/A The camera type: e.g. Maxipix MaxVideoFPS No 30 Maximum value for frame-per-second NbProcessingThread No 1 The max number of thread for processing. Can be used to improve the performance when more than 1 task (plugin device) is activated TangoEvent No False Activate Tango Event for counters and new images UserDetectorName No "" A user detector identifier, e.g frelon-saxs, (**\***) ========================== =============== ====================== ===================================================== (**\***) Properties only used to set meta-data in HDF5 saving format. Commands ''''''''' +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |**Command name** |**Arg. in** |**Arg. out** |**Description** | +============================+===========================================+=====================================+=====================================================================================================+ |Init |DevVoid |DevVoid |Do not use | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |State |DevVoid |DevLong |Return the device state | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Status |DevVoid |DevString |Return the device state as a string | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |getAttrStringValueList |DevString: |DevVarStringArray: | | | |Attribute name |String value list |Return the authorized string value list for a given attribute name | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |prepareAcq |DevVoid |DevVoid |Prepare the camera for a new acquisition, has to be called each time a parameter is set. | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |startAcq |DevVoid |DevVoid |Start the acquisition | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |stopAcq |DevVoid |DevVoid |Stop the acquisition after current frame is acquired, and wait for all tasks to finish | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |abortAcq |DevVoid |DevVoid |Abort the acquisition, the current frame is lost | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |setImageHeader |DevVarStringArray: | | | | |Array of string header |DevVoid |Set the image header: | | | | | - [0]="ImageId0 delimiter imageHeader0, | | | | | - [1] = ImageId1 delimiter imageHeader1.. | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |resetCommonHeader |DevVoid |DevVoid |Reset the common header | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |resetFrameHeaders |DevVoid |DevVoid |Reset the frame headers | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |getImage |DevLong: Image number(0-N) |DevVarCharArray: Image data |Return the image data in raw format (char array) | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |getBaseImage |DevLong: Image number(0-N) |DevVarCharArray: Image data |Return the base image data in raw format (char array). Base image is the raw image before processing | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |readImage |DevLong: Image number(0-N) |DevEncoded: Encoded image |Return the image in encoded format of type "**DATA_ARRAY**" (see :ref:`data_array_encoded`) | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |readImageSeq |DevLongArray: Image number(0-N) list |DevEncoded: Encoded image(S) |Return a stack of images in encoded format of type "**DATA_ARRAY**" (see :ref:`data_array_encoded`) | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |writeImage |DevLong: Image number(0-N) |DevVoid |Save manually an image | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |readAccSaturatedImageCounter|DevLong: Image number |DevVarUShortArray: Image counter |The image counter | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |readAccSaturatedSumCounter |DevLong: from image id |DevVarLongArray: result |number of result for each images,sum counter of raw image #0 of image #0,sum counter of raw image #1 | | | | |of image #0,... | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |setAccSaturatedMask |DevString |DevVoid |Full path of mask file, use empty string ("") to unset the mask | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |closeShutterManual |DevVoid |DevVoid |Only if the camera has this capability | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |openShutterManual |DevVoid |DevVoid |Only if the camera has this capability | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |reset |DevVoid |DevVoid |Reset the camera to factory setting | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |getPluginDeviceNameFromType |DevString |DevString |Return the device name corresponding to the passed plugin named (.e.g FlatField) | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configStore |DevVarStringArray:config name,module1, |DevVoid |Store (im memory) a current config with name and for the listed modules (e.g. **Acquisition**, | | |module2, ... , modulen | |**Image**, **RoiCounters**, **Saving** ...). | | | | |See the *config_available_name* and *config_available_module* attributes for full list. | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configApply |DevString: config name |DevVoid |Apply the named config | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configPop |DevVoid |DevVoid |Pop the named config from the list | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configDelete |DevVoid |DevVoid |Delete the named config | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configFileSave |DevVoid |DevVoid |Save all the config into file (see properties for config file name) | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |configFileLoad |DevVoid |DevVoid |Load the configs from file | +----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Attributes '''''''''' You will here a long list of attributes, this reflects the richness of the LIMA library. We organized them in modules which correspond to specific functions. A function module is identified by an attribute name prefix (excepted for informational attributes), for instance the **Acquisition** module attributes are always named **acq_**. The available modules are : * General Information * Status (prefix *last_* and *ready_*) * Acquisition (prefix *acq_* for most of them sorry) * Accumulation (prefix *acc_*) * Saving (prefix *saving_*) * Image (prefix *image_*) * Shutter (prefix *shutter_*) * Debug (prefix *debug_*) * Video (prefix *video_*) * Shared Memory (prefix *shared_memory_*) * Configuration (prefix *config_*) * Buffer (prefix *buffer_*) * Plugin (prefix *plugin_*) Many attributes are of type DevString and they have a fixed list of possible values. You can get the list by calling the special command **getAttrStringValueList**. Because a camera cannot support some attribute values , the command getAttrStringValueList will give you the the value list for the camera. For instance the attribute *video_mode* supports up to 14 different video formats, but a camera can only supports few of them. General Information ``````````````````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= lima_version ro DevString The lima core library version number lima_type ro DevString LImA camera type: Maxipix,Pilatus,Frelon,Pco, Basler ... camera_type ro DevString Like lima_type but in upper-case !! camera_pixelsize ro DevDouble[x,y] The camera pixel size in x and y dimension camera_model ro DevString Camera model return by the detector layer:.e.g. 5x1- TPX1 =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Status `````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= last_base_image_ready ro DevLong The last base (before treatment) ready last_image_ready ro DevLong The last acquired image number, ready for reading last_image_saved ro DevLong The last saved image number last_image_acquired ro DevLong The last acquired image number last_counter_ready ro DevLong Tell which image counter is last ready ready_for_next_image ro DevBoolean True after a camera readout, otherwise false. Can be used for fast synchronisation with trigger mode (internal or external). ready_for_next_acq ro DevBoolean True after end of acquisition, otherwise false. user_detector_name rw DevString User detector name instrument_name rw DevString Intrument/beamline name =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Acquisition ``````````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= acq_status ro DevString Acquisition status: Ready, Running, Fault or Configuration acq_status_fault_error ro DevString In case of Fault state, return the error message acq_mode rw DevString Acquisition mode: - **Single**, default mode one frame per image - **Concatenation**, frames are concatenated in image - **Accumulation**, powerful mode to avoid saturation of the pixel, the exposure is shared by multiple frames, see acc\_ attributes for more acq_nb_frames rw DevLong Number of frames to be acquired, Default is 1 frame acq_trigger_mode rw DevString Trigger mode: - **Internal_trigger**, the software trigger, start the acquisition immediately after an acqStart() call, all the acq_nb_frames are acquired in an sequence. - **External_trigger**, wait for an external trigger signal to start the an acquisition for the acq_nb_frames number of frames. - **External_trigger_multi**, as the previous mode except that each frames need a new trigger input (e.g. for 4 frames 4 pulses are waiting for) - **Internal_trigger_multi**, as for internal_trigger except that for each frame the startAcq() has to called once. - **External_gate**, wait for a gate signal for each frame, the gate period is the exposure time. - **External_start_stop** latency_time rw DevDouble Latency time in second between two frame acquisitions, can not be zero, the minimum time corresponds to the readout time of the detector. valid_ranges ro DevDouble[4] min exposure, max exposure, min latency, max latency concat_nb_frames rw DevLong The nb of frames to concatenate in one image acq_expo_time rw DevDouble The exposure time of the image, Default is 1 second =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Accumulation ```````````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= acc_expotime ro DevDouble The effective accumulation total exposure time. acc_nb_frames ro DevLong The calculated accumulation number of frames per image. acc_max_expotime rw DevDouble The maximum exposure time per frame for accumulation acc_time_mode rw DevString Accumulation time mode: - **Live**,acq_expo_time = acc_live_time - **Real**,acq_expo_time = acc_dead_time + acc_live_time acc_dead_time ro DevDouble Total accumulation dead time acc_live_time ro DevDouble Total accumulation live time which corresponds to the detector total counting time. acc_offset_before rw DevLong Set a offset value to be added to each pixel value acc_saturated_active rw DevBoolean To activate the saturation counters (i.e. readAccSaturated commands) acc_saturated_cblevel rw DevLong Set at which level of total saturated pixels the callback plugin (if set with the AccThresholdCallbackModule property) will be called acc_saturated_threshold rw DevLong The threshold for counting saturated pixels acc_threshold_before rw DevLong Set a threshold value to be substract to each pixel value =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Saving `````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= saving_mode rw DevString Saving mode: - **Manual**, no automatic saving, a command will be implemented in a next release to be able to save an acquired image. - **Auto_Frame**, Frames are automatically saved according the saving parameters (see below). - **Auto_header**, Frames are only saved when the setImageHeader() is called in order to set header information with image data. saving_directory rw DevString The directory where to save the image files saving_prefix rw DevString The image file prefix saving_suffix rw DevString The image file suffix saving_next_number rw DevLong The image next number The full image file name is: /saving_directory/saving_prefix+sprintf("%04d",saving_next_number)+saving_suffix saving_format rw DevString The data format for saving: - :code:`RAW`, save in binary format - :code:`EDF`, save in ESRF Data Format - :code:`EDFGZ` (or edf.gz), EDF with Deflate filter compression - :code:`EDFLZ4` (or edf.lz4), EDF with BS/LZ4 filter compression - :code:`TIFF`, The famous TIFF format - :code:`CBF`, save in CBF format (a compressed format for crystallography) - :code:`HDF5` save in Nexus HDF5 format - :code:`HDF5GZ` save in Nexus HDF5 format with Deflate filter compression - :code:`HDF5BS` save in Nexus HDF5 format with BS/LZ4 filter compression saving_overwrite_policy rw DevString In case of existing files an overwite policy is mandatory: - **Abort**, if the file exists the saving is aborted - **Overwrite**, if the file exists it is overwritten - **Append**, if the file exists the image is append to the file saving_frame_per_file rw DevLong Number of frames saved in each file saving_common_header rw DevString[] Common header with multiple entries saving_header_delimiter rw DevString[] The header delimiters, [0] = key header delimiter, [1] = entry header delimiter, [2] = image number header delimiter. Default : [0] = "=", [1] = "\n", [2] = ";" saving_max_writing_task rw DevShort Set the max. tasks for saving file, default is 1 saving_statistics ro DevDouble[] Return stats: saving speed, compression ratio, compression speed and incoming speed (speed in byte/s) saving_statistics_history rw DevLong Set size of history for stats calculation, default is 16 frames =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Image ````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= image_type ro DevString Return the current image data type, bit per pixel signed or unsigned: - Bpp8, Bpp8S, Bpp10, Bpp10S, Bpp12, Bpp12S, Bpp14, - Bpp14S, Bpp16, Bpp16S, Bpp32, Bpp32S , Bpp32F. image_width ro DevLong Width size of the detector in pixel image_height ro DevLong Height size of the detector in pixel image_sizes ro DevULong[4] Signed(0-unsigned,1-signed), depth(nb bytes), width and height image_max_dim ro DevULong[2] Maximum image dimension, width and height in pixel image_roi rw DevLong[4] Region Of Interest on image, [0] = Begin X, [1] = End X, [2] Begin Y, [3] = End Y, default ROI is [0,0,0,0] (no ROI) image_bin rw DevLong[2] Binning on image, [0] = Binning factor on X, [1] = Binning factor on Y. Default binning is 1 x 1 image_flip rw DevBoolean[2] Flip on the image, [0] = flip over X axis, [1] flip over Y axis. Default flip is False x False image_rotation rw DevString Rotate the image: "0", "90", "180" or "270" =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Shutter ``````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= shutter_ctrl_is_available ro DevBoolean Return true if the camera has a shutter control shutter_mode rw DevString Synchronization for shutter, modes are available: - **Manual** - **Auto_frame**, the output signal is activated for each individual frame of a sequence - **Auto_sequence**, the output signal is activated during the whole sequence shutter_open_time rw DevDouble Delay (sec.) between the output shutter trigger and the beginning of the acquisition, if not null the shutter signal is set on before the acquisition is started. shutter_close_time rw DevDouble Delay (sec.) between the shutter trigger and the end of the acquisition, if not null the shutter signal is set on before the end of the acquisition. shutter_manual_state rw DevString To open/close manually the shutter (if Manual mode is supported, see shutter_mode) =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Debug ````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= debug_module_possible ro DevString[] Return the list of possible debug modules debug_modules rw DevString[] Set the debug module level of LImA: - "None" - "Common" - "Hardware" - "HardwareSerial" - "Control" - "Espia" - "EspiaSerial" - "Focla" - "Camera" - "CameraCom" - "Test" - "Application" debug_types_possible ro DevString[] Return the list of the possible debug types debug_types rw DevString[] Set the debug type level of LImA: - "Fatal" - "Error" - "Warning" - "Trace" - "Funct" - "Param" - "Return" - "Always" =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Video ````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= video_active rw DevBoolean Start the video mode (or not) video_live rw DevBoolean Start the video streaming (or not) video_exposure rw DevDouble The video exposure time (can be different to the acq_expo_time) video_gain rw DevDouble The video gain (if supported by the hardware) video_mode rw DevString The video mode is the video format supported by the camera, it can be: - Y8, grey image 8bits - Y16, grey image 16bits - Y32, grey image 32bits - RGB555, color image RGB 555 encoding - RGB564, color image RGB 555 encoding - RGB24, color image RGB 24bits encoding - RGB32, color image RGB 32bits encoding - BGR24, color image BGR 24bits encoding - BGR32, color image BGR 32bits encoding - BAYER_RG8, color image BAYER RG 8bits encoding - BAYER_RG16, color image BAYER RG 16bits encoding - I420, color image I420 (or YUV420) planar encoding - YUV411, color image YUV411 planar encoding - YUV422PACKED, color image YUV422 planar encoding packed - YUV422, color image YUV422 planar encoding - YUV444, color image YUV444 planar encoding Depending of your camera, the supported formats can be retrieve using the command **getAttrStringValueList** video_roi rw DevLong[4] A ROI on the video image (independent of the image_roi attribute) video_bin rw DevULong[2] A Binning on the video image (independt of the image_bin attribute) video_last_image rw DevEncoded The last video image, in DevEncoded "**VIDEO_IMAGE**" format, and using the video_mode set, see the DevEncoded definition :ref:`video_image_encoded` video_source rw DevString The source for video image, BASE_IMAGE (raw image) or LAST_IMAGE (after soft operation) Only valid with monochrome or scientific cameras video_last_image_counter rw DevLong64 The image counter =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Shared Memory ````````````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= shared_memory_names rw DevString[2] Firstname and surname of the SPS typed shared memory (default is LimaCCDs,) shared_memory_active rw Activate or not the shared memory. The shared memory is for image display =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Config `````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= config_available_module ro DevString[] List of possible config modules, config_available_name ro DevString[] List of existing config names =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Buffers ``````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= buffer_max_memory rw DevShort The maximum among of memory in percent of the available RAM that Lima is using to allocate frame buffer. =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Plugin ``````` =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= Attribute name RW Type Description =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= plugin_type_list ro DevString[] List of the available plugin type, to get one device name use instead the **getPluginDeviceNameFromType** command plugin_list ro DevString[] List of the available plugin as couple of type, device name =========================== ======= ======================= ======================================================================================= .. _data_array_encoded: DevEncoded '''''''''' DATA_ARRAY `````````` The DATA_ARRAY DevEncoded has been invented for special Tango client like SPEC. It is used by the **readImage** command. It can only embed raw data (no video data). The supported image format can be retrieve with the **image_type** attribute (Bpp8,Bpp8S, ..., Bpp16,..) This encoded format is very generic and it supports many different type of data from scalar to image stack (see DataArrayCategory enumerate C-type). The readImage command only supports *Image* data array category. The DATA_ARRAY format is composed of a fixed header followed by the raw data. The header is a C-like structure, with **little-endian** byte order and no alignment:: # The DATA_ARRAY definition struct { unsigned int magic= 0x44544159; // magic key unsigned short version; // version, only 2 supported (since v1.9.5 - 2014) unsigned short header_size; // size of the header DataArrayCategory category; // data array category, see DataArrayCategory enumerate DataArrayType data_type; // data type, see DataArrayType enumerate unsigned short endianness; // 0-little-endian, 1-big-endian unsigned short nb_dim; // number of dimension (0 to 5 max)e.g 2 for image unsigned short dim[6]; // size for each dimension, e.g [width,height] unsigned int dim_step[6]; // step size in pixel for each dimension, e.g [1,height] unsigned int padding[2]; // 8 bytes of padding (for alignment) } DATA_ARRAY_STRUCT; enum DataArrayCategory { ScalarStack = 0; Spectrum; Image; SpectrumStack; ImageStack; }; enum DataArrayType{ DARRAY_UINT8 = 0; DARRAY_UINT16; DARRAY_UINT32; DARRAY_UINT64; DARRAY_INT8; DARRAY_INT16; DARRAY_INT32; DARRAY_INT64; DARRAY_FLOAT32; DARRAY_FLOAT64; }; .. _video_image_encoded: VIDEO_IMAGE ``````````` The VIDEO_IMAGE DevEncoded has been implemented for the **video_last_image** attribute to return the last image. It can embed any of the supported video format depending of the **video_mode** attribute value. The VIDEO_IMAGE format is composed of a fixed header followed by the data. The header is a C-like structure, with **big-endian** byte order and no alignment:: struct { unsigned int magic_number = 0x5644454f; unsigned short version; // only version 1 is supported unsigned short image_mode; // Y8,Y16,.... long long frame_number; // the frame number (counter) int width; // the frame width in pixel (horizontal size) int height // the frame height in pixel (vertical size) unsigned short endianness; // 0-little-endian, 1-big-endian unsigned short header_size; // this header size in byte unsigned short padding[2]; // 4 bytes of padding (for alignment) } VIDEO_IMAGE_STRUCT; Camera devices -------------------- Each camera has a configuration device with its own property/attribute/command lists. The camera configuration device is supposed to give you access to the "private" parameters of the detector that LIMA does not need but you may want to set. For instance some detectors provides a temperature control with set-points and/or start/stop commands for a auxillary cooling system. For more details about the camera device interface, please have a look on the following sections: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Andor <../../../../camera/andor/doc/tango> Andor3 <../../../../camera/andor3/doc/tango> Basler <../../../../camera/basler/doc/tango> Dexela <../../../../camera/dexela/doc/tango> Dhyana <../../../../camera/dhyana/doc/tango> Frelon <../../../../camera/frelon/doc/tango> ImXPAD <../../../../camera/imxpad/doc/tango> Marccd <../../../../camera/marccd/doc/tango> Maxipix <../../../../camera/maxipix/doc/tango> Lambda <../../../../camera/lambda/doc/tango> Merlin <../../../../camera/merlin/doc/tango> Dectris Eiger <../../../../camera/eiger/doc/tango> Dectris Mythen3 <../../../../camera/mythen3/doc/tango> Dectris Pilatus <../../../../camera/pilatus/doc/tango> PCO <../../../../camera/pco/doc/tango> Perkin Elmer <../../../../camera/perkinelmer/doc/tango> Pixirad <../../../../camera/pixirad/doc/tango> Photonic Science <../../../../camera/photonicscience/doc/tango> PointGrey <../../../../camera/pointgrey/doc/tango> Prosilica <../../../../camera/prosilica/doc/tango> Rayonix HS <../../../../camera/rayonixhs/doc/tango> Roper Scientific <../../../../camera/roperscientific/doc/tango> Simulator <../../../../camera/simulator/doc/tango> SlsDetector <../../../../camera/slsdetector/doc/tango> Ueye <../../../../camera/ueye/doc/tango> Ultra <../../../../camera/ultra/doc/tango> V4l2 <../../../../camera/v4l2/doc/tango> Ximea <../../../../camera/ximea/doc/tango> XH <../../../../camera/xh/doc/tango> Xpad <../../../../camera/xpad/doc/tango> Xspress3 <../../../../camera/xspress3/doc/tango> Plugin devices: software operation and extra interfaces ------------------------------------------------------- User-defined software plugins can be used to execute arbitrary image-based operations. An entry point in the control layer completely exports the ProcessLib functionality, allowing an external code to be called on every frame. The software operation can be implemented in C++ or Python. The software operations on image are embedded into individual Tango devices and are available in the **plugins/** directory. They are automatically exported by the LimaCCDs server. The software operations are of two types, *Sink* or *Link* : * **Link** operation is supposed to modify the frame data, so it gets the frame data as input parameter and it will return a "corrected" image (e.g. Mask/Flatfield/BackgroundSubstraction). * **Sink** operation is taken the frame data as input parameter to apply some software operation in order to return new data like statistics, peak positions, alarm on saturation ... etc. In addition to sink/link plugin device, a plugin can just be implemented to provide/export a subset of the Lima interface or a legacy interface for some specific client applications (e.g SPEC, LimaTacoCCD plugin). Today there are about 8 standard plugin devices: * BackgroundSubstraction : link operation, to correct the frames with a background image (substraction) * FlatField: link operation to correct the frames with a flatfield image (divide + option normalisation) * Mask: link operation to mask pixels. Very useful if some pixel are not working properly and if you want to set then to a fix value or to zero. * MemCached: sink operation to publish images to a memcached server. * PeakFinder: thanks to Teresa Numez from DESY, a sink operation which can detect diffraction peaks. * Roi2Spectrum: sink operation to apply ROI spectrum on the frames. You can define more than one spectra with ROI coordinates and by specifying in which direction you need to bin the values, vertical or horizontal. * RoiCounter: sink operation to get calculating statistics on image regions. * RoiCollection: sink operation to generate a spectrum of Roi integration counters. * LimaTacoCCD: extra interface for TACO clients, it only provides commands (TACO does not have attribute !), it is still used at ESRF for SPEC. * LiveViewer: extra interface to provide a live view of the last acquired image, can be used from atkpanel. If you need to implement your own plugin device we can provide you some example codes, use the mailing-list to get help. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 plugins/backgroundsubstraction plugins/bpm plugins/flatfield plugins/mask plugins/memcached plugins/peakfinder plugins/roi2spectrum plugins/roicounter plugins/roicollection plugins/limatacoccd plugins/liveviewer