Perkin Elmer camera



“PerkinElmer is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of Amorphous Silicon (aSi) Flat Panel Detectors (FPD) designed to perform across a wide range of medical, veterinary, and industrial, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) applications. Our XRD family of detectors provide superior image resolution, high frame rates up to 30 frames per seconds (fps), energy levels form 20 keV -15 MeV and easy information storage and retrieval.”

The detector model we tested (ESRF) is : XRD 1621 CN ES

Prerequisite Windows 7

First, you have to install the Perkinelmer Windows7 SDK to the default path.

Installation & Module configuration

Follow the generic instructions in Build and Install. If using CMake directly, add the following flag:


For the Tango server installation, refers to PyTango Device Server.

Initialisation and Capabilities

Camera initialisation

The camera will be initialized by created the PerkinElmer::Interface object. The contructor will take care of your detector configuration according to the SDK installation setup done before.

Std capabilities

This plugin has been implement in respect of the mandatory capabilites but with some limitations which are due to the camera and SDK features. We provide here further information for a better understanding of the detector specific capabilities.

  • HwDetInfo

    getCurrImageType/getDefImageType(): Bpp16 only.

    setCurrImageType(): this method do not change the image type which is fixed to Bpp16.

  • HwSync

    get/setTrigMode(): the supported mode are IntTrig, ExtStartStop, ExtTrigReadout

Optional capabilities

In addition to the standard capabilities, we make the choice to implement some optional capabilities which are supported by the SDK and the I-Kon cameras. A Shutter control, a hardware ROI and a hardware Binning are available.

  • HwBin

    Some camera models support binning 4x4, 2x2, 4x2 4x2 and 1x1 and others support only 2x2. Camera type si provided when initing the sdk (_InitDetector()) and only camera of type 15 supports the long range of binning.


  • Nothing special to do, but read the manual for proper installation.

How to use

This is a python code example for a simple test:

from Lima import PerkinElmer
from lima import Core

hwint = PerkinElmer.Interface()
ct = Core.CtControl(hwint)

acq = ct.acquisition()

# set offset and gain calibration, one image 1.0 second exposure
hwint.startAcqOffsetImage(1, 1.0)
hwint.startAcqGainImage(1, 1.0)

# set further hardware configuration
print (hwint.getGain())
hwint.setCorrectionMode(hwint.OffsetAndGain) # or No or OffsetOnly

# setting new file parameters and autosaving mode


# set accumulation mode

acq_pars= acq.getPars()

acq_pars.acqMode = 2
acq_pars.accMaxExpoTime = 0.05
acq_pars.acqExpoTime =1
acq_pars.acqNbFrames = 1

# here we should have 21 accumalated images per frame
print (acq.getAccNbFrames())

# now ask for 2 sec. exposure and 10 frames


# wait for last image (#9) ready
lastimg = ct.getStatus().ImageCounters.LastImageReady
while lastimg !=9:
  lastimg = ct.getStatus().ImageCounters.LastImageReady

# read the first image
im0 = ct.ReadImage(0)