Ximea Tango device ================== This is the reference documentation of the Ximea Tango device. You can also find some useful information about the camera models/prerequisite/installation/configuration/compilation in the :ref:`Ximea camera plugin ` section. Properties ---------- ========================= ========== ========================================== ==================================================== Property name Mandatory Default value Description ========================= ========== ========================================== ==================================================== camera_id Yes N/A Camera ID trigger_gpi_port No PORT_2 GPI port used by default for trigger input gpo_port No PORT_2 GPO port used for output when camera active gpo_mode No FRAME_ACTIVE GPO port used for output when camera active timeout No 200 Timeout for internal loop (on top of exposure time) startup_temp_control_mode No AUTO Startup temperature control mode startup_target_temp No 25.0 Startup target temperature startup_mode No 2_12_HDR_HL Startup camera mode ========================= ========== ========================================== ==================================================== Attributes ---------- ============================= ==== ========== ================================================================ Attribute name RW Type Description ============================= ==== ========== ================================================================ trigger_polarity rw DevString Select trigger polarity software_trigger w DevBoolean Software trigger; write to generate trigger, reads always false gpi_selector rw DevString Select GPI to configure gpi_mode rw DevString Select GPI mode gpi_level r DevLong Read GPI level gpi_level_at_exp_start r DevLong Read GPI level at exposure start gpi_level_at_exp_end r DevLong Read GPI level at exposure end gpi_debounce rw DevBoolean Enable GPI debounce gpo_selector rw DevString Select GPO to configure gpo_mode rw DevString Select GPO mode led_selector rw DevString Select LED to configure led_mode rw DevString Select LED mode mode rw DevString Select configuration preset gain_selector rw DevString Select gain type gain rw DevLong Gain value is_cooled r DevLong Is the camera cooled temp_control_mode rw DevString Temperature control mode temp_target rw DevDouble Target temperature thermometer rw DevString Select thermometer temperature r DevDouble Thermometer temperature temp_chip r DevDouble Camera sensor temperature temp_housing r DevDouble Camera housing temperature temp_back r DevDouble Camera housing back side temperature temp_sensor r DevDouble Sensor board temperature thermal_element rw DevString Thermal control element thermal_element_value rw DevDouble Thermal element control value exposure_selector rw DevString Exposure mode selector burst_count rw DevLong Burst count downsampling rw DevString Downsampling value downsampling_type rw DevString Downsampling type test_pattern_generator rw DevString Test pattern generator test_pattern rw DevString Test pattern image_format rw DevString Image format shutter rw DevString Shutter mode taps rw DevString Sensor taps auto_exposure_gain rw DevBoolean Auto exposure and gain control auto_white_balance rw DevBoolean Auto white balance control horizontal_flip rw DevBoolean Horizontal flip vertical_flip rw DevBoolean Vertical flip interline_exp_mode rw DevString Interline exposure mode binning_engine rw DevString Binning engine selector horizontal_binning_pattern rw DevString Binning horizontal pattern vertical_binning_pattern rw DevString Binning vertical pattern decimation_engine rw DevString Decimation engine selector horizontal_decimation rw DevLong Horizontal decimation value vertical_decimation rw DevLong Vertical decimation value horizontal_decimation_pattern rw DevString Decimation horizontal pattern vertical_decimation_pattern rw DevString Decimation vertical pattern exposure_priority rw DevDouble Exposure priority (e.g. 0.8 - exposure 80%, gain 20%) auto_gain_limit rw DevLong Gain limit for AEAG procedure auto_exposure_limit rw DevLong Exposure limit for AEAG procedure auto_intensity_level rw DevDouble Target average intensity for AEAG procedure bandwidth_limit rw DevDouble Bandwidth limit bandwidth_limit_enabled rw DevBoolean Enable bandwidth limiting available_bandwidth r DevDouble Measured available bandwidth frame_rate rw DevDouble Frame rate (or limit) counter_selector rw DevString Counter selector counter_value r DevLong Selected counter value acq_timing_mode rw DevString Acquisition timing mode trigger_delay rw DevLong Trigger delay acq_status r DevBoolean Acquisition status feature_selector rw DevString Sensor additional features feature_value rw DevLong Selected feature value plugin_version r DevString Plugin version number timeout rw DevLong Timeout for internal loop (on top of exposure time) camera_serial_number r DevString Camera serial number readout_time r DevDouble Mean readout time in seconds readout_time_last_frame r DevDouble Readout time of last frame in seconds ============================= ==== ========== ================================================================ Commands -------- ======================= =============== ================== ============================================ Command name Arg. in Arg. out Description ======================= =============== ================== ============================================ Init DevVoid DevVoid Do not use State DevVoid DevLong Return the device state Status DevVoid DevString Return the device state as a string getAttrStringValueList DevString: DevVarStringArray: Return the authorized string value list for Attribute name String value list a given attribute name ======================= =============== ================== ============================================